Rehabilitační ústav Kladruby
Rehabilitační ústavKladruby

About Us

About Us


KladrubyThe Rehabilitation Center Kladruby near Vlašim has a long tradition in providing complex physiotherapy care.  The center provides treatment to Patients after surgeries and after injuries of movement and nervous systems. Similar to trends in the whole world to provide physiotherapy as soon as possible after the injury or affection, a Spinal rehabilitation unit was created on 1 July 2002 to ensure care for serious fresh spinal injuries. The physiotherapy center also admits clients with back pain who resist to outpatient treatment. It belongs to the most important facilities in the country and works nationwide with a limited admission of clients from other countries. The Rehabilitation Center Kladruby is a state allowance organization and is directly subject to the Czech Health Ministry.

The centre includes a barrier-less complex interconnected with underground corridors for easy movement from one place to another in any season. Ward departments have comfortable equipment and offer double-bed rooms. Physiotherapy is provided six days a week in modern exercise rooms, gymnasiums, in water treatment rooms with partial or complete whirlpool baths, in pools with underwater jets and movable bottom. A 25-meter pool serves for swimming. Further, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, vacuum-compression therapy, local thermotherapy (solux, paraffin, ultra-sound, laser and biotron lamp). The ergotherapy occurs in attractively equipped workshops that ensure a safe environment for learning and training of practical skills and self-service including work on computers. A continuous speech therapy is ensured as well as psychologist's and social services.

The prosthetic department ensures necessary aids and other medical technology for the clients including walking sticks or special electrical wheel chairs, beds or lifting devices. The physiotherapy treatment program includes swimming lessons for persons using wheel chairs.  Those who need manual control when driving a car can exercise driving or or even learn it in a special course. Clients can select from a rich offer of cultural and sports events or educational courses.

We are contract partners of all health insurance companies in the Czech Republic.

History of Rehabilitation Center Kladruby

The Rehabilitation Center Kladruby is situated next to the village of Kladruby in a well-preserved natural environment of Podblanicko Area on the border of the Vlašim Valley and at a distance of 7 km away from the town of Vlašim. The memorable Blaník Hill which is connected with the old Czech legend of Blaník Knights can be seen on the horizon.

The decision to build a new sanatorium for bone tuberculosis treatment was taken in the year 1932. A suitable place was selected on an elevated area at the foot of the Kostelík Hill (524 meters) near the Kladruby village. The leading personality at that time was Doctor Schiller. First, a drive way was constructed (1934) and at the same time the adaptation of the park around the planned buildings was started. In 1937, the foundations of the sanatorium were laid and in December 1938, the roof was completed.

After the German military occupation in 1939, the association aimed to sell the sanatorium but the Nazis had other plans and took the sanatorium for military purposes. All construction work was completed in 1941 and put into service as a military hospital a year later. The Nazis set up a “Forschungsinstitut der D.A.F. Kladruby” (research institute of D.A.F) a part of which was leased to Wehrmacht (German army) to treat injured soldiers brought from the war front. The sanatorium was transformed into “Reserve Lasaret Wlaschim”. In times of biggest losses, the hospital treated as much as 1,200 German soldiers. It is a tragic paradox that Dr. Schiller, the founder of the sanatorium, was executed in 1942 and all his family was tortured in Nazi concentration camps as member of the persecuted Jewish nation.

After the Second World War, the hospital served as a Soviet repatriation station where Soviet soldiers temporarily stayed before returning home.

From January to September 1946, the hospital was administered by the Central Council of the Unions and there was no clear conception as to its purpose. Starting on 1 October 1946, the hospital was taken over by the Health Ministry. Necessary modifications were quickly done including interior restoration. According to a preserved book of admissions, some 27 patients were admitted for testing service on 21 April 1947. At that time, first training of the stuff took place, it was provided by American physiotherapists and the first trainees were Czech teacher of gymnastics.

Officially, the operation was started on 1 December 1947 and the facility was named “State Institute for Follow-up Treatment”, the capacity was 160 beds. At first, the institute served for follow-up treatment of the disabled and gradually focused on treatment of movement disorders after surgeries and injuries.

The physiotherapeutical services were continually extended throughout the years and also, more requirements were laid on the services which reflected the development of basic physiotherapeutical care and the growing requirements on nursing services. Departments had to be extended. In November 1955, a new hospital building was opened and the capacity grew to 210 beds.

The Rehabilitation Center added new facilities to its premises.  In 1975, the sports hall was put into service, later also a mini golf area and subsequently a large forest park. Everything was built with the needs of the disabled in mind. At that time, new modern flats for the employees were also built.

 Between 1991 and 1995, new communication core was constructed with three new lifts, examination rooms and eating rooms  for clients with impaired mobility. Free capacities in ward departments were utilized for improvement of accommodation quality of the clients.

In October 1995, the physiotherapeutical department was opened. The department has modern equipment and increases the quality of the provided physiotherapeutical care. All new building are interconnected with underground corridors and can be easily reached by the client even in bad weather conditions.

In 2003, the reconstruction of the old physiotherapeutical building was completed, the swimming pools were reconstructed and new facilities were constructed: a 25 meter long pool, a pool with movable bottom and a whirl pool. The reconstruction also included the gymnasium and cinema hall. Two smaller gymnasiums were built in the Fitness building and the shop with prosthetic appliances, the computer training room and psychologists were moved there.

About Us

Datum a čas

Dnes je čtvrtek, 2/6/2025, 20:13:30

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dnes, Thursday 6. 2. 2025
overcast clouds 3 °C 0 °C
Friday 7. 2. overcast clouds 3/0 °C
Saturday 8. 2. overcast clouds 3/-2 °C
Sunday 9. 2. sky is clear 5/-2 °C


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Rehabilitační ústav Kladruby